Monday, 8 April 2013

Veg Trug!

Now, the observant amongst you will have noticed that the title of this blog is 'Off we grow!' and yet, all I have blogged about thus far is my recent forray into poultry keeping.  You would be right in questionning what on earth the adventures of my three little chickens have to do with growing things.

You are quite right of course.  When the idea of the blog first popped into my head, I intended it to detail my own adventures in growing my own produce.  I have in the past had some success with a selection of vegetables grown mainly in pots in my back garden and thought it would be a nice idea to share some of this with you, the reader.

To this end, during my expensive, but very enjoyable trip to the Edible Garden Show, I purchased a Vegtrug.  A what?  You may cry.  These wonderful items come in different sizes, but are essentially a raised trough in which the keen veg grower, that's me, can sow and grow a variety of veg.  I found a picture to show you;

If I remember rightly, this is the size of the veg trug I myself have purchased, but they do come bigger should space and budget permit. You can also add an insect net to protect your precious produce and helpfully there is a tomato trellis available for, well, tomatos and other climbing things. One of the wonderful things about these is that they are too high for the dogs to pee on or dig up.  It will happily sit on my patio and so be away from chickens also, (if I can stop Hen Solo et al from foiling my chicken prevention methods).

Then, whilst I was looking up images to share, I found this one!

A blue one!  I hadn't even thought about the decorating possibilities!  This makes the whole project even more exciting.  

They arrive flat packed and are, according to my friend who has already assembled hers, relatively easy to put together.  The size of vegtrug I have, which is the size pictured holds around 3.5 60 litre bags of compost.  My friend is way ahead of me;

I am planning to grow tomatos, carrots, and lettuce at the mo, but will also do potatos in my pot which I managed to do before.  Given that I came to veg growing as a total novice, I was very surprised what could be achieved with relative ease.  I always thought there was something terribly difficult about growing your own stuff, some secret I had no knowledge of, but it would appear that you can grow vegetables virtually anywhere.  Pots, beds, vegetable patches big and small.  

Of course, now all I have to do is build said veg trug.  

And, there you have it, a whole blog post with virtually no mention of chickens whatsoever. 

Sunday, 7 April 2013

The rogue Hen Solo

Having purchased a quantity of wire fencing, I set about securing the top part of our garden so that our three little hens could have a mooch about outside the confines of their run.  I even made a gate for the top of the steps leading up to the grass area.  I am so proud of this gate, even though it is probably a lesson in how not to take on a DIY project, I was even going to photograph it just to show you.  I managed to restrain myself however.

Anyway, we have for some days now watched the girls as they peck and scratch their way about the garden, and taking lovely little dust baths.  They seem happy to meander about and dare I say, even stop from time to time to admire the gate.

It would appear however, that far from gazing upon the gate with admiration, Hen Solo was in fact plotting her way out.  I should mention at this point that all three have had their wings clipped so they are unable to fly.  I was advised that as a novice chicken keeper, this was the way to go.  Clipping is simple, painless and prevents the chickens from becoming lost or roosting somewhere inaccessible.

Imagine my surprise therefore when the other afternoon, after being alerted by louder than normal chicken sounds, I discovered Hen Solo standing on the patio, peering rather curiously through the french doors into the house.  

What the...?

How? How did she manage to get over the fence I wondered.  My gate was still up and intact, and yet there she was looking quite pleased with herself.  After I had got over my surprise, I managed to pick her up and return her to her part of the garden, having a little chat with her about boundaries as I did so.

Then yesterday......


She was standing on top of the nest box!  It is only a short hop from there to the top of the dividing fence between their part of the garden and the patio which I am trying, (and failing) to keep chicken free. 

Not only is she becoming quite a cheeky madam, she is also leading the others astray...

How too funny!
Heaven knows what they plot together when they return to their coop at night.  I am rather looking forward to seeing where they pop up tomorrow.  
At least I know it has nothing to do with my little gate. 

Thursday, 4 April 2013

Bathing Chicken Style!

Yesterday as I looked out onto the garden, I couldn't see the chickens anywhere.  The wind was blowing cold and strong and I assumed they had hurried indoors to keep warm.  Imagine my surprise and delight when I discovered them taking a long luxurious dust bath in a hidden corner behind the garage!  I zoomed inside and took a photo which I will share for your viewing pleasure.